Powell’s Starry Night: Navigating the Economic Constellations at Jackson Hole


Stargazing might seem like an odd hobby for Jerome Powell and the Fed, but with their recent comments, they seem to be doing just that – looking for celestial guidance in an overcast financial sky. Today, we delve deep into Powell’s much-anticipated speech at Jackson Hole and what this means for the economic cosmos.

The Powell Constellation: Mixed Messages in the Sky

Powell painted a picture of uncertainty in a tense address with the markets hanging on every word. His metaphor, that “we are navigating by the stars under cloudy skies,” while poetic, doesn’t exactly radiate confidence. However, amidst the poetic ambiguity, the market’s reaction has been relatively subdued, suggesting that worse was expected.

Labor’s Luminary: Earnings Amid Dimming Hours

Powell’s focus on labor conditions was evident. Despite reduced working hours, many are still raking in considerable incomes. This unexpected influx of disposable income has caught the Fed’s attention. As they say, when one star dims, another shines brighter. 

Housing Horizon: Prices Rise as Volumes Wane

Shifting his gaze towards the housing sector, Powell acknowledged a revival in housing prices, though volume remains stagnant. Supporting this notion, CoreLogic’s June report highlighted a 3.3% YoY rent increase, albeit this marked a slight decrease from the previous month.

While Powell’s celestial navigation might have left some of us a bit lost in space, the message is clear: uncertainty looms, and the financial universe is in a delicate balance. The big picture for next week promises an astronomical amount of data – from housing statistics to the pivotal BLS jobs report. With such celestial events on the horizon, we advise holding steady and awaiting clearer skies.

Why did the economist bring a ladder to class? To reach the high demand!

Stay tuned for more updates, and, as always, we’re here to help make sense of the financial galaxies above. Until next time, clear skies and happy investing!